Member Benefits
We are also very fortunate to have the ongoing support of the board & the staff at NCYC. Richard Howard ( NCYC CEO ) has been working closely with us to help establish the correct platform for our Game Fishing club to operate professionally. NCYC board have also agreed to allow us to use their facilities as our base / headquarters taking memberships, distributing tag cards, even having a locked box you can drop your tag cards / capture certificates into at the club ( You could even sneak a quick beer / wine while in there ? Larry & myself have also been in discussions with NCYC on another incentive to become a member of our Game Fishing Club & are proud to announce – Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club (NCYC) affords Newcastle Game Fishing Club (NGFC) members reciprocal rights to the use of NCYC facilities. The reciprocal benefit available to NGFC members are the same benefits as those provided to NCYC Social Members, including a 5% discount on cold drinks, food Etc. For more information regarding these benefits please visit Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club
Tag Cards / Capture Books
Tag cards & capture books are available upstairs at NCYC offices during business hours Monday – Friday unless prior arrangement has been made. Please Note– Capture books are $25 incl GST each.